Buy Dry: The Dry Farming Institute (DFI) launched a dry farmed produce marketing campaign in 2021 to help educate consumers and build awareness about the benefits of dry farming.
Brief Background: The Dry Farming Collaborative (DFC) Marketing Committee worked with graphic designer, Tobias Berblinger to design the ‘Dry Farmed’ product label in 2019. DFI was selected to help steward the label, clarify terms and conditions, and make it available for dry farmers to use. In 2021, DFI piloted the label with 11 dry farmers in the Pacific Northwest to be brand ambassadors and supplied signs, handbills, and stamps. With input from farmers, we would like to improve and build capacity to expand this campaign!
Would you like to use the ‘Dry Farmed’ product label and be listed in the Dry Farmed Produce Directory to help market dry farmed produce and build awareness about the benefits of dry farming? If so, we are excited to support you! Please fill out this form below.